Tuesday, April 20, 2010

لکنت حاصل از دو زبانگي

در بين اختلالات ارتباطي ، ميتوان به دو زبانگي و
لکنت حاصل از دو زبانگي اشاره کرد.اين پديده نتيجه ي
عدم تعامل آموزش زبان مادري و زبان دوم است که
پيش از 5 سالگي رخ ميدهد. فراواني لکنت در دو
زبانه ها بيشتر از يک زبانه ها است و در درمان لکنت با
منشاء دو زبانگي توجه صرف به ساير درمان ها، بدون
همراهي آسيب شناسان گفتار امري محتوم به شکست
است. همچنين مسئولان آموزشي، بايد آموزش مناطق دو
زبانه را با توجه به ويژگيهاي فرهنگي و زباني طرحريزي
نمايند و از شيوه هاي آموزش مناطق دو زبانه و تجارب
سايرکشورها استفاده کنند، چراکه عدم برنامه ريزي در
توسعه منابع انساني زيانهايي را به جامعه وارد مي نمايد

Sunday, April 4, 2010

درمان لكنت كودكان

From: Phillip J. Roberts
Your Child Stutters
Your child sometimes repeats words or syllables and you are concerned that he might become a lifetime stutterer.
You shouldn't be overly worried: many young children stutter at one point or another and most of them outgrow stuttering. However some of these stuttering children don't spontaneously outgrow stuttering and need the help of their parents and in some cases the additional help of a Speech Language Pathologist.

Act now
If your child stutters, you should act now. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to eliminate his stuttering.
At the same time, it is essential that you avoid overreacting. You should at all costs avoid showing your child that you are concerned about his disfluencies. If you show concern, your child might become self-conscious and this could make his stuttering worse.

How can I help my child?
Children have a natural tendency to mimic their parents. By adequately altering your own behavior, you can positively influence your child's behavior and indirectly alter his speech patterns. This is called "indirect therapy". Indirect therapy is easy to implement and is described in detail in Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy.
If your child is aware of his stuttering, you can combine indirect therapy with a more direct therapeutic approach. In other words, you should talk with your child about his speech difficulties and help him improve his fluency in a more direct manner. This direct approach is also described in detail in Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy.

Speech Language Pathologist
If your child's stuttering is severe or if your child has been stuttering for more than a month, you should consider seeking the help of a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP). It is extremely important that you avoid increasing the child’s awareness about his speech impediments. For this reason, you should first meet the Speech Language Pathologist without the child. During this first visit, make sure the therapist is comfortable and experienced in working with children and that he will be able to help your child without increasing the child's awareness about his stuttering. If you are not sure, try another SLP.
During a subsequent visit to the SLP, you will bring the child with you and the therapist will assess his disfluencies. If the SLP is skilled, he should be able to assess the disfluencies without making your child aware of what is going on.

The role of the parents is essential
Whatever therapeutic approach the therapist recommends, keep in mind that you will play a central role. Your child spends several hours a day with you and you have a major influence on your child. Even if you seek the help of a Speech Language Therapist, your role will remain essential and you will probably find the advice given in Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy very useful.

Understand your child's inner feelings
Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy is written in plain English and describes the complexity of stuttering in simple words. It will help you understand stuttering and will give you an insight to the inner feelings your child has about his speech difficulties. Understanding stuttering and your child's feelings will make it easier for you to effectively help your child to become fluent and successfully implement the therapeutic approaches mentioned above.

چطور مي توان لكنت را كاهش داد؟

From: Phillip J. Roberts
A comprehensive approach Stuttering is a complex condition involving much more than the disfluencies that non-stutterers notice. The bulk of the stuttering phenomenon is hidden. Stuttering affects the whole person. Stuttering includes destructive feelings, perceptions and emotions such as shame, embarrassment, guilt, low self-esteem, frustration and fear of particular speaking situations. The stuttering phenomenon also encompasses unusual behaviors such as irregular breathing patterns, eye contact avoidance and word substitutions.Treating such a complex condition requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses each and every aspect of the phenomenon. If one aspect of the stuttering phenomenon is left unchecked, the stutterer is very likely to relapse after a few weeks or months.

Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy is not a cure
Stuttering is not a disease and therefore cannot be cured. Stuttering is a condition that, with the help of adequate stuttering therapy, can be successfully controlled. Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy, as its name implies, is a therapy and is designed to help you control stuttering and increase your fluency.

Understanding stuttering
Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy provides in plain English the basic knowledge needed to be able to grasp the complexity of stuttering. Stuttering can be compared to an iceberg: 90% of the mass of an iceberg is hidden below the surface. Similarly, the bulk of the stuttering phenomenon is hidden. Non-stutterers are usually only aware of the disfluencies (the tip of the iceberg) and have no idea about what is going on 'below the surface'.
Stutterers know that stuttering means a lot more than disfluencies. Stuttering is a complex issue composed of many different elements: negative feelings and emotions, strange behaviors and misconceptions that affect every aspect of a person's life. You will learn how these different elements interact with your speech, reinforce your disfluencies and sabotage your efforts to become fluent. Stuttering obviously cannot be effectively and durably eliminated if these hidden elements are ignored. Effective stuttering therapy should consider and address the entire stuttering phenomenon.
The exercises
Part II of Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy is composed of 30 exercises that are designed to help you to effectively and permanently control stuttering. Some of these exercises directly target the speech mechanism while the others aim at altering your self-destructive emotions, feelings and behaviors.
You will find below some of the topics that are dealt with in these exercises:
· Relaxation of the muscles of your larynx. Stutterers have a tendency to involuntarily tense the muscles of their larynx and this causes stuttering blocks. Relaxing the muscles of the larynx is not easy because they are difficult to locate and you will be taught how to relax them properly.
· How to breathe in a way that promotes fluent speech. Stutterers often have irregular breathing patterns and you will learn how to breathe in a relaxing way and how to promote fluency by properly synchronizing breathing with speech.
· How to emphasize the vibration of your larynx and how this can help prevent stuttering blocks from occurring.
· How to avoid triggering the contraction of the muscles of your larynx, mouth, lips and tongue.
· How to positively alter the perceptions you have about yourself, your stuttering and other people.
· Anticipations about speech and communication with others.
· The importance of eye contact.
· How to deal with your emotions and prevent them from affecting your fluency.
· How to speak without resorting to word substitution or fillers.
· Discard the hidden intentions that unconsciously sabotage your efforts to become fluent.
· How to prevent stress from interfering with your fluency.

معرفي كتاب درمان جامع لكنت

From: Phillip J. Roberts
Comprehensive Stuttering Therapy is designed to help you control stuttering at your own pace in the comfort of your home.

stammering و stuttering تفاوت

What is the difference between stammering and stuttering?
Stammering and stuttering both mean exactly the same thing . The word "stuttering" is mostly used in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The word "stammering" is usually preferred in the United Kingdom, Eire, India and most other Commonwealth countries .